Choosing the Best Size for an Adult Folding Bike

En résumé

La taille des roues est un critère clé dans le choix d'un vélo pliant adulte, influençant compacité et performance :

  • Les petites roues (12 pouces) offrent une grande transportabilité mais sont adaptées aux trajets courts (environ 5 km).
  • Les roues de 16-18 pouces conviennent aux trajets urbains courts, alliant maniabilité et réactivité, mais sont moins stables sur des surfaces irrégulières.
  • Les roues de 20 pouces offrent un compromis entre confort et vitesse pour des trajets quotidiens.
  • Les roues de 24-26 pouces, moins répandues permettent néanmoins des trajets plus longs et une conduite sportive.
  • Le vélo pliant Bastille, le seul du marché à offrir des roues de 27,5 pouces, allie compacité, confort et performance.

Many models of adult folding bikes are available on the market, each with their own features and wheel sizes. To favor compactness, you will have to opt for small wheels and to favor better performance, it is better to consider larger wheels.

The different wheel sizes of adult folding bikes.

To favor compactness, you will have to opt for small wheels and to favor better performance, it is better to consider larger wheels.

There are generally 4 choices of wheel diameter. Their size plays an important role depending on the uses:

  • Adult folding bike with 12-inch wheels : the smaller the wheels, the more easily transportable and space-saving the bike is. On the other hand, its performances are limited to small distances of around 5km. In fact, its small wheels reduce its driving comfort and make you feel the roughness more.
  • Adult folding bike with 16-18 inch wheels: this is a wheel size that will be suitable for short urban trips without any hassle. They have good maneuverability and nervousness when starting. On the other hand, they remain quite unstable on uneven paths and cobblestones.
  • Adult folding bike with 20-inch wheels: they are a good compromise between speed and comfort but remain suitable for short everyday trips.
  • Adult folding bike with 24-26 inch wheels: this wheel size is the most popular because it offers good stability and a sportier ride, allowing longer and multimodal journeys.

The Bastille bike with 27.5 inch wheels.

The Bastille adult folding bike is ideal for combining comfort, performance and compactness. Thanks to its 27.5-inch wheels, it offers the largest dimensions available on the adult folding bike market.

The components of the Bastille bike have been carefully selected to provide real pleasure when folding and the best riding experience, for a comfortable and smooth ride, ideal for the city.

These wheels allow daily use both in urban environments and for green getaways, offering dynamism and comfort. It is a wheel diameter that gives the unfolded bike the appearance of an urban bike, unlike the majority of folding bikes on the market.

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